
Joseph Kolodziej
Joseph Kolodziej
Founder and CEO
Joseph Kolodziej has had an extensive career in the hockey industry, spanning from playing...
Devin Panzeca
Devin Panzeca
Vice President
Devin Panzeca is the Vice President of Hockey Holdings Group. Working as a family adviser ...
Jim Raymond
Jim Raymond
Senior Adviser
Jim Raymond has dedicated his life to hockey as a player, referee, and coach, working with...
Kyle Lambourne
Kyle Lambourne
Canada Scout/Adviser
Kyle Lambourne is the HTM Alberta Canada based scouting director. Kyle has been working
Oskar Bak
Oskar Bak
European Pro Placement
Oskar Bak recently retired from a long career in Poland and Sweden.  Heading up the Europe
Kirill Katrich
Kirill Katrich
Russia Scout
Kirill Katrich is the HTM Russia based scouting director. Kirill is another former HTM